Notes from ANZSEE conference 2019

Oxford WOTY 2019: Climate Emergency

The ANZSEE 2019 Conference on Ecological Economics was held in Melbourne this week. I have collected a few photos and quotes from my notes below.

The Future of Ecological Economics

Joshua Farley

  • ‘One barrel of oil is [equivalent to] 25,000 hours of human labour’
  • ‘There’s no such thing as a sustainable fossil fuel economy’
  • Regarding the invisible hand of the market: ‘We are creating an invisible foot that kicks the bum of the common good’
  • ‘Between groups, altruistic ones outcompete selfish ones’
  • ‘Group membership is rational – irrational beliefs are rational if required for membership’
  • ‘Cooperation is anti-fragile’
  • ‘Money is backed by the productive capacity of everybody who accepts it’
The Role of Capitalism and Markets
The Role of Capitalism and Markets

Indigenous People and Ecological Economies

Jon Altman

  • ‘Mines, by definition, destroy landscapes’
  • ‘Improvement that is always promised but never delivered’
Currently operating mines in Australia
Currently operating mines in Australia
Australia's vegetation, riparian, biophysical condition
Australia’s vegetation, riparian and biophysical condition

Radical Futures for Ecological Economics

Ariel Salleh

The Great Chain of Appropriation – the real subsumption
The Great Chain of Appropriation – real subsumption

Samuel Alexander

  • ‘Entrenching the status quo whilst appearing to reform’
  • ‘We might be able to envision alternatives but the challenge has always been realising them’
  • ‘Voluntary simplicity [as a] coping strategy, even a thriving strategy’
  • ‘Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul.’ —Henry David Thoreau
  • ‘Crisis situation – there’s the prospect of heightened sense of meaning and purpose’
  • ‘Capitalism is a dexterous beast’
Post-capitalism by disaster not design
Post-capitalism by disaster not design

School Strike 4 Climate

David Spratt, Kaity Thompson, Harriet O’Shae-Carre

  • Status quo is a suicide’ –U.N. Secretary General António Guterres
  • ‘We’re sacrificing our education’
  • ‘Climate activism is putting my education to use. There’s no point in education on a dead planet.’
  • ‘We can’t withdraw labor but we can remove ourselves from school’
  • ‘Create a world where we can’t repeat our mistakes’
  • ‘[A future in which we] take care of climate out of love, not fear’
School Strike 4 Climate
School Strike 4 Climate

Energy, Carbon Emissions and Macroeconomics

Philip Lawn

  • ‘[We] can’t recycle energy’
  • ‘Recycling is not energy free’
  • ‘There are no resource savings by shifting to a service economy’
Deposing mainstream economics
Deposing mainstream economics

Population and Urban Futures

Ian Lowe, Mike Berry

  • ‘White man speak with forklift truck’
  • ‘If an authority makes a decision it will immediately generate a lobby group to stop that decision from being implemented’
  • ‘Local area action [has] unintended macro consequences’
  • ‘You can never change just one thing in a complex system’

Note: Population is generally a controversial topic and this was touched on by the presenters in their talk, and in the subsequent Q&A.

A fundamental point
A fundamental point
UN 2015 report
UN 2015 report
How could we create unsustainable futures?
How could we create unsustainable futures?
Our present course is unsustainable - postponing action is no longer an option
Our present course is unsustainable – postponing action is no longer an option
Markets give us things many of us want, but natural systems give us the things that we need
Markets give us things many of us want, but natural systems give us the things that we need

Lessons on Limits

Michelle Maloney

  • ‘We are literally dealing with a human centred legal and economic system’
The Great Work: Our Way into the Future (1999)
The Great Work: Our Way into the Future (1999)
The ideas that lie beneath
The ideas that lie beneath
Modern history has examples of state sponsored material frugality
Modern history has examples of state sponsored material frugality
Scenarios for bioregional health
Scenarios for bioregional health
Create human economies that fit within social goals and eco-health
Create human economies that fit within social goals and eco-health

Photos by author. Hero image from Oxford Dictionaries Word Of The Year 2019

Author: Jussi

I would like to ensure that there remains a liveable world for our kids to enjoy – I'm @jopas on Twitter –